React patterns


React Components

We will speak about properties of React Component as Props. But in JS terms properties are just an plain object.

For more compact syntax instead of React.Component, React.Element we will write Component, Element.

In general, we will work with functional stateless components - pure functions that takes Props as an argument and returns JSX/Element:

React.Component :: Props -> Element

High-Order Component (HOC)

A Higher-Order Component is a function that accepts a Component as an argument and returns another Component:

Component -> Component

Example of identity HOC:

const identity = (NextComponent) => (props) => <NextComponent {...props} />

const MyContainer = () => "I am MyContainer";

const NewContainer = identity(MyContainer);

In example above identity HOC creates NewContainer which renders exactly the same output as the MyContainer.

Note: The term originates from high-order function.

Note: Sometimes HOCs are called component decorators. See what decorators really are and why they are occasionally mismatched with term high-Order component.

Examples of HOCs

Collections of HOCs

Providing a context of libraries

In many cases is HOC used for adding functionality to your component from certain library via React context API.



1. Static Component

// Before Ramda:
const Loading = () => "Loading...";

ReactDOM.render(<Loading />, rootEl) // renders "Loading..."
// After Ramda:
const Loading = R.always("Loading...");

ReactDOM.render(<Loading />, rootEl) // renders "Loading..."

2. Composition of High-Order components

Use function composition instead of nesting calls.

// Before Ramda
// After Ramda

// or


If you are composing from exactly two HOCs, you can use R.o.

It is highly recommended to use just one of R.o, R.compose, R.pipe in the scope of your Application for composing HOCs.

3. Branching with R.ifElse

Use R.ifElse for conditional render.

Lets define following components:

const Loading = R.always("Loading...");
const Section = ({ content }) => <section>{content}</section>;

Than define HOC of conditional render:

// Before Ramda:
const Content = (props) => props.loading ?
  <Loading /> :
  <Section {...props} />;
// After Ramda:
const withLoading = R.ifElse(R.prop('loading'), Loading)

const Content = withLoading(Section)

In this example withLoading HOC can be simply reused for all your components with loading property.

4. Branching with R.cond

Use R.cond for conditional render.

Lets define following components:

const Loading = R.always("Loading...");
const Missing = R.always("No results.");
const Section = ({ content }) => <section>{content}</section>;

Than define HOC of conditional render:

// Before Ramda:
const Content = (props) => {
  if (props.loading) {
    return <Loading />;
  if (!props.items.length) {
    return <Missing />;

  return <Section {...props} />
// After Ramda:
const Content = R.cond([
  [R.prop('loading'), Loading],
  [R.isEmpty('items'), Missing],
  [R.T, Section],

5. Mapping properties with mapProps

Lets define following functions:

// Props -> Component -> Element
const createElement = R.curryN(2, React.createElement);

// mapProps :: (a -> a) -> Component -> Component
const mapProps = R.flip(R.useWith(R.o, [createElement, R.identity]));

See Appendix for process of refactor to pointfreee version of mapProps.

With mapProps you can transform properties of final component with your custom mapping functions:

const Section = ({ heading, children, }) => (
  <section {}>

const SectionWithUpperHeading = mapProps(
  (props) => ({ ...props, heading: R.toUpper(props.heading) })

Follows few examples with mapProps.

5.1 Transforming properites with R.evolve

Assuming component Section from section 5:

const EnhancedSection = mapProps(
  R.evolve({ heading: R.toUpper })

// ...

<EnhancedSection heading="Truth about Ramda">
  Ramda is awesome!

// renders to:
    <h1>TRUTH ABOUT RAMDA</h1>
    Ramda is awesome!

5.2 Adding props with computeProps

Lets introduce function computeProps (see Appendix section):

const computeProps = R.converge(R.merge, [R.nthArg(1),]);

Assuming following contrieved component SimpleSection:

const SimpleSection = ({
}) => (
  <section {}>
const EnhancedSection = mapProps(
  ({ children }) => ({ childrenLength: R.length(children) })

// ...

<EnhancedSection heading="Truth about Ramda">
  Ramda is awesome!

// renders to:
    <h1>Truth about Ramda</h1>
    <div>Ramda is awesome!</div>

5.3 Picking properties with R.pick

Assuming component Section from section 5:

const EnhancedSection = mapProps(
  R.pick(["className", "children", "heading"])

// ...

  heading="Truth about Ramda"
  Ramda is awesome!

// renders to:
<section class="EnhancedSection">
    <h1>Truth about Ramda</h1>
    Ramda is awesome!

6. Defining displayName with setDisplayName

Lets define following HOC setDisplayName:

const setDisplayName = (displayName) => R.tap(
  (C) => C.displayName = displayName


Pointfree mapProps

const mapProps = R.curry(
  (mapping, C) => (props) => <C {...mapping(props)} />

// Replacing JSX
const mapProps = R.curry(
  (mapping, C) => (props) => React.createElement(C, mapping(props))

// Introducting curried version of React.createElement
const createElement = R.curryN(2, React.createElement);

const mapProps = R.curry(
  (mapping, C) => (props) => renderComponent(C)(mapping(props))

// R.o for functional composition
const mapProps = R.curry(
  (mapping, C) => (props) => R.o(renderComponent(C), mapping)(props)

// removing explicit argument `props`
const mapProps = R.curry(
  (mapping, C) => R.o(renderComponent(C), mapping)

// final pointfree version with R.flip
const mapProps = R.flip(R.useWith(R.o, [renderComponent, R.identity]));

Pointfree computeProps

const computeProps = R.curry(
  (props, mapping) => R.merge(props, mapping(props))

// Adding converge is pretty straigtforward
const computeProps = R.converge(R.merge, [R.nthArg(1),]);